Lover's Luau!
So dorky, I know! But, I always say that everyone needs a little extra dorky in their life...
My prom day started as glamorous as every other summer day: cleaning the toilets. It's true, a woman's dream come true! After that though, started my day of fun. A trip to Dollar Tree to create the prom of our dreams and the theme just jumped out at me! Literally. It was the entire front of the store! So, $13 later (ok, ok, I admit, $12 for decorations, the other dollar was for the Diet Coke), here is our Lover's Luau living room...
(What's a prom without a coconut bra wearing blow up monkey!?)
I managed to not pass out even after blowing up the 25 balloons, the palm tree, and the monkey. Major props deserved for that!
It does not look very impressive in this pictures (sigh...) but it truly is a sight to see! I added some white Christmas lights and we're now talking major wow factor. Maybe not the good kinda wow, but wow none-the-less. The daylight is not helping the photos any so you'll just have to trust me that in the dark, it was the most gorgeously tacky fake prom ever!
So, decorating was done, on to the dress... went through my closet of old prom dresses and came across this beauty...
Glam, huh? :) Well, it was glam 15 years ago! The real drama is trying to fit into the dress. Did I mention 15 years ago?! I wasn't so much worried about the bottom of the dress as I haven't grown since literally 7th grade, more so this area...
That is what they call the boobs and the hips. My mom assures me that someday I will be thanking God for my "child bearing hips", but child bearing does not equal fitting into an old prom dress! With the help of some "fat girl underwear" and a good friend to finagle the zipper, I was in. No guarantees I would be able to sit, but in I was...
Got my hair done (thanks so much Amanda and Ellison!) and my husband surprised me for the first time of the night:
You might just say I'm the luckiest girl around...
Stay tuned for the remainder of our night of fun! I have to go get ready...